usui japanese reiki attunement program with online self-study course

A hybrid programs of online self-study course and an in-person attuenment by the Reiki Master Mio Hayashi, the courses are available in 4 different levels of Usui Japanese Reiki system certified by Alianza Española de Reiki. The pre-attunement theory learning and post-attunement guided purification period ensure the students can maximise the in-person attuement and develop their healing abilities effectively.


  • The 1st Degree : Shoden

    The first level opens the energy channels and allows the attuned student to transmit energy to the physical body, for themselves and to the others. After receiving the attunement and a Reiki symbol, the students learn the hand positions for healing, and they will be able to feel the subtle energy flowing out of the hands. The attuenemnt is a puryfying process and synchronises with the universal energy.

  • The 2nd Degree : Okuden

    In this level, students learn 3 new techniques to activate the vital power in a more profound and ample dimension, achieving the capacity to transmit the healing energy on a mental and emotional level, as well as from a distance. To complete the second degree, it is necessary to be already attuned to the first one and to have a harmonious energy flow.

  • The 3rd Degree : Shinpiden